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Бастрыкину доложат о нарушении жилищных прав сироты из Астраханской области

Глава СКР поручил возбудить уголовное дело по обращению астраханки, которая осталась в несовершеннолетнем возрасте осталась без попечения родителей и сообщила о нарушении ее жилищных прав

The main conceptual idea of the text is that a woman in Astrakhan, who lost her parents at a young age, has been waiting for over 10 years for housing to be provided to her, despite a court ruling in 2014 that guarantees her this right. Her numerous appeals to authorities have been unsuccessful, leading Alexander Bastrykin, the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia, to order a criminal investigation into the violation of her housing rights. The text highlights an instance of systemic failure in upholding the rights of vulnerable individuals.

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